Everything for
Campsites & Recreation
On a campsite, water is vital. Whether it is for the shower, the swimming pool, toilet building, private sanitary facilities, or as drinking water; good and safe water is crucial at a camping. At Remon, we understand that; therefore we supply the best equipment for a reliable own water supply at your camping or recreation park.
An own water source is a
Smart Investment
As a campsite owner you are facing an increasing water consumption; by the increase of your number of guests, by using private sanitary facilities, or by a swimming pool or a spray park. With an ever-increasing price of drinking water, a private water supply is a smart and sensible investment. Like that, your peak delivery or even overconsumption from the drinking water network can be reduced. Because you have your own autonomous drinking water supply with a Remon installation, you dramatically reduce the cost of drinking water, at a much lower price per m3 than water from the drinking water network. Also, if your park has a section of houses or chalets with their own water meters, the model becomes even more interesting as your water price goes down and your net margin on supplied water increases significantly!
Your own drinking water at your own cost price
The solution to increasing water demand
Also for swimming pools and spray parks
Everywhere in the Netherlands an appropriate solution
Also service in the Benelux and Germany
24/7 service with more than 40 mechanics
With an installation of Remon you are
Completely worry-free
Depending on your location, Remon can provide a complete drinking water supply that produces water in the same way as the drinking water company, but on the spot, at your site. The water is aerated, filtered and sterilized by UV light. Even in areas where the salt content in the groundwater is too high, Remon can first perform another desalination step to lower the high salt content of the groundwater. Remon supplies you with the entire installation, from source drilling to sample tap. As the owner of the system, you are solely responsible for the monthly sampling and reporting according to an accredited lab. For the rest, Remon will completely take care of you! For Swimming pools and Spray parks you are also at the right address at Remon. Contact Remon Water Wellness for more information about a Swimming pool or Spray park.
Remon already placed
Waterinstallations here:
Continuity of your own drinking water supply by
Service and smart NT controlling
Over the past decades, Remon has built up a decent reputation in private water facilities on campings. Partly because of the 24/7 service of Remon Service BV we ensure the continuity of your own drinking water supply at your camping or recreation park. In recent years, the installations have even been equipped with NT control, which allows remote monitoring of the water installation and thus increases the security of supply. The data analysis that can be performed has even detected leaks on the camping area, both underground and after a frost period.